Welcome to your IB Global politics study guide
The guide for the 2026 IB Global politics course is here.
If your exams are in May 2024, Nov 2024 or May 2025 keep using the 2017 syllabus.
If your exams will be in May 2026 or later choose the new syllabus.
GloPoPolis.org is a free online textbook and resource site for IB Global politics. It is not an IB copublished resource.
Is GloPoPolis a reliable source?
You should critically engage with all materials you use in your studies of Global politics. This includes the copublished textbooks (with the IB stamp on the cover), all other articles, books, documentaries, news sources, TikToks, podcasts, and websites... everything including GloPoPolis.
The teacher who makes this site studied IB Peace and conflict studies which later became part of IB Global politics. Their post-16 academics focused on international relations, contemporary war studies and development. They have been part of the core IB syllabus review team since 2018.
What are your political opinions?
Many of the materials do not reflect my political opinions, some of them do.
Outdated and problematic content
Most of the materials for this course were made in 2017-19. I then moved to a school that only had IB Geography (visit GeogOpolis). This means that many of the global politics resources are out of date. Inevitably, there are also materials which are problematic and controversial.
I am currently focusing on making materials for the 2026 syllabus, I won't be updating the old syllabus. If you have feedback, spot a mistake or would like to contribute to making the website get in touch.